A few other things to remember while on the golf course; first, repair all divots. Please take the time to retrive and replace any divots that you take. Even if the divot breaks into several pieces, replace what you can because it will greatly reduce the amount of time needed to recover. Second, please remember to repair all ball marks on the greens. Repairing your ball mark and any others that you see will help ensure your putts roll as smooth as possible. To properly fix a ball mark, insert the repair tool along the edge of the indentation and push the sides in towards the middle. Then lightly step down or use your putter to smooth the mark. Do not push up the bottom of the indentation as this will tear the roots. Finally, please rake all footprints after playing from the bunker. To help us better maintain bunker faces, please enter and exit from the back side of the bunker where it is more flat. In addition, bunker rakes should be left at these flatter locations to help the next player and should be left outside the bunker.
Remembering to do these tasks during your round will help keep the course in the best possible condition and will make your round, and those playing after you, more enjoyable.